Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Activities Suspended

State Senator and former Parks and Recreation Department Director recently announced that the local committee has SUSPENDED all martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday activities and programs for 2021.

For the past thirty-five years, the local organizing committee has coordinated a weekend of activities, programs, and events in conjunction with the federal holiday commemorating the life and legacy of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.   Due to Covid-19 pandemic and for the safety of all members of our community, we will follow all of the CDC and State guidelines and recommendations for 2021. 

 We ask and encourage that in light of the recent INSURRECTION of our Nation’s Capitol that we all take time to reflect on non-violent and peaceful messages that Dr. King preached and alternately died for on April 4, 1968.  His “I Have a Dream” speech and his many writings including his letter from the Birmingham jail in 1963 is the true measure of his courage and wisdom.  The speeches and leadership cemented Dr. King’s legacy which led to Time magazine naming him “Man of the Year” and in 1964 became the youngest person ever awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

The committee request that all members of the community celebrate by providing “Service” on January 18, 2021.  We challenge our churches to allowing programming (in-person or remotely) that will reflect a day on and not a day off.  We ask that we continue to follow all of the recommended guidelines of social distancing, frequently washing of our hands and wearing of a face covering/mask to avoid the spread of this deadly virus.  We also support the taking of the vaccine when it becomes available to all of our citizens.

We pray that everyone remains healthy and safe.  We promise to return to our activities and programs as soon as it is safe for all to attend.

May God continue to bless you and your families.  Stay Safe!